In order to support our students who are working from home during this time we would like to share a weekly planner that students and their parents can download and use to help them plan their time.

Staff are being asked to be in regular contact with classes via email and google classroom and keeping updating the available work for students.

If your child is having any issues accessing the work online or using google classroom please contact IT support


Students are to evidence all set work in their virtual sketchbook. This has been assigned through Google classroom as an assignment on 31/3/20 for KS4 students.

All tasks with instructions are set weekly as a lesson on Google classroom now as an assignment. When students complete the set work, have uploaded photographic evidence to their virtual sketchbook, they then can turn in/mark the lesson task as done. This will prompt an art teacher to review the work.

All feedback and correspondence will be done via the virtual sketchbook comments section. Although students are encouraged to ask any common questions or general queries directly on Google classroom. This allows staff to be efficient in responding to multiple questions with one post. If the questions are personal to their work they can add comments directly on their virtual sketchbook.

Should students have any questions with regards to google classroom’s functions or “how to”, many of the answers can be found at:

Building My Skills

Building My Skills Checkpoint 4

Year 10: To be completed by all Year 10 students, in preparation for their interview and for use next year.

Checkpoint 4 Task Booklet

CV Template

Covering Letter Template

Business & Computing

After Easter, all Business & Computing work will be set on Google Classroom on a week by week basis.

Design & Technology (includes Food;Textiles;Resistant Materials)

GCSE Food and Art/Textiles

Students will receive work through Google Classroom for every lesson. Please check and complete all work which has been set – this is extremely important for you to make progress within the forthcoming weeks. Communicate through classroom or email if you are unsure or require further guidance.

Resistant Materials

Year 10 – All lessons and resources for students missing due to self isolation will be shared via google classroom. They will receive this on the day of their timetabled lessons. All work should be dated then once able, brought into school and stuck in book. If this is completed online, teacher can keep a log of work.

Year 11 – All lessons and resources for students missing due to self isolation will be shared via google classroom. They will receive this on the day of their timetabled lessons. All work should be dated then once able, brought into school and stuck in book. If this is completed online, teacher can keep a log of work

Useful revision tools for year 10 and year 11:

Engineering (Tyne Met)

Training task 23 .1 training UPK task
Selection and rating of protective devices 2020 23.3 Selection and rating of protective devices
A and B Selection and rating of protective devices 2020 23.3a and b Selection and rating of protective devices
Assessment 23.3 – Understand the selection and rating of circuit protection 2020 Assessment 23.3 – Understand the selection and rating of circuit protection


KS4 Home Learning Programme

Year 10/11

An Inspector Calls


A Christmas Carol


Power and Conflict Poetry

Language P1 & 2

This is a link to his page – Find EVERY video that is of use for Language & Literature and to make revision notes. Remember to Magpie from those grade 9 response videos! Mrbruff
Year 10/11

An Inspector Calls


A Christmas Carol


Power and Conflict Poetry

Language P1 & 2

This is a link to her page – Find EVERY video that is of use for Language & Literature and to make revision notes. Remember to Magpie from each video! They will help with your paper booklets. Stacey Reay
Year 10/11

An Inspector Calls


A Christmas Carol


Power and Conflict Poetry

Language P1 & 2

This has so many great resources and tips for essay writing/exam success. Read, make revision notes then use the test function! BBC Bitesize for Literature
Year 10/11

An Inspector Calls


A Christmas Carol


Power and Conflict Poetry

Language P1 & 2

Breakdown and analysis of top mark answers. Super handy for knowing what a ‘top band’ essay contains and looks like. Mr Salles Teaches English
Year 10/11

An Inspector Calls


A Christmas Carol


Power and Conflict Poetry

Language P1 & 2

You must create an account but it’s free and then has lots of interactive quizzes and revision tools for both Language and Literature (make sure you search for AQA exam board related resources.
Y10/11 An Inspector Calls booklet to support with both Y10/11 revision. Complete in full. An Inspector Calls Booklet
Y10/11 A Christmas Carol booklet to support with both Y10/11 revision. Complete in full. A Christmas Carol Booklet
Y11 A booklet to support with Y11 revision. Macbeth
Y10/11 Useful worksheets. Worksheets
Unseen Poetry Prep Each task should take about 90 minute. Spend time annotating, planning before writing a full response to the question. Remember (quotes, zooming, terminology, structure, tiles, last lines!) Unseen Poetry Home Learning


All Geography resources/lessons for students missing this week will be shared via the google classroom. Please email your class teacher directly for any support on the lessons.

Health & Social Care

Year 10: All year 10s have been issued with a study pack to take home. They will be issued other task by email as and when appropriate.

Year 11: A lot of year 11s have finished this course. The ones that have not have the tasks online to complete.


Year 10-11: Please see links to study guides below and check Google Classroom for updated tasks/resources.

Year 10:

Year 11:


Class teachers will be uploading lessons on a weekly basis to Google Classrooms. All students should visit their Google Classrooms to access their online lessons and login details for websites.


Year 10-11: In response to any current absence in years 10-11, students will be shared work directly to their email address. They will be directed by their class teacher as to which activities will need completing. Students should already have work completed in preparation for their upcoming speaking exams therefore it is expected that students continue to revise for these.

To continue to develop their knowledge of vocabulary students are advised to access where they can access vocabulary lists for the AQA GCSE courses.

If students have any questions or need anything clarified they should contact their class teacher via email.

If students need access to any resources on paper then they can collect these from their class teacher or Mr Brown in 1F06.


Students will receive work through Google Classroom. Please check and complete all work which has been set. Communicate through classroom or email if you are unsure or require further guidance.

Religious Studies

Years 10-11: Religious Studies lessons and resources will be shared via the Google classroom on the days you would normally have had the lesson. Please email your class teacher directly for any support on the lessons.



Year group Work that will be set on google classroom until Easter holidays  Work that will be set on google classroom for Summer Term Part 1
10 Revision google slides have been shared with students so they can revise fundamental science topics. There are 15 different science topics across biology, chemistry, physics.

  • Students should make a copy of each slide and then watch the  video clips to make some summary notes and then complete the past exam questions. 
  • Students should share the completed exam questions with their science teacher(s)

Seneca and Quizizz learning platforms have also been set up for all students to complete online assignments.  

Lesson slides will be shared for the following units

  • Infectious disease (AQA GCSE Combined Science and Biology)
  • Chemical Changes (AQA GCSE Combined Science and Chemistry)
  • Forces in Motion (AQA GCSE Combined Science and Physics)

Staff will prepare lesson slides in a similar format to those provided before the Easter holidays and if possible they will share textbook pages electronically to support students. 

Work for approximately 4 lessons per week will be set on a Monday at 12pm

We appreciate that students might struggle with learning from home so we encourage students to share their work via email or google classroom in an electronic format e.g google docs or google slides so that we can assess how students are coping with the content we have set. 

We will do our very best to provide students with meaningful feedback on student work and address any common misconceptions students have. 

We also encourage students to ask their teachers questions via email or google classroom if they are unsure of anything, again we will do our very best to get back to students as soon as possible.

As well as the resources we have supplied the students with there are a number of other useful websites students can access to gain further support in their learning – these are listed below. – Free Science Lessons – these video clips are tailored specifically to the GCSE specifications we use. Just seek out the key stage and exam board (AQA for yr 9 and 10) – useful video links for AQA GCSE Combined and Separate sciences – if students have bought revision guides at key stage 3 and 4 – an excellent resource to support revision and checking of key content – assignments will be set by teachers but also students can complete their own tasks independently to further their learning.

Sport Science

Y10 Sports Science

All students should be accessing work through Google Classroom. LO2 Training Methods assignment should be completed by the deadline set by the class teacher and turned in through classroom. Staff will mark work and provide feedback in order for you to improve it.

Once LO2 assignment is completed, students will be set further assignments to complete from the Technology in Sport unit. All work and resources to support will be shared through Google Classroom.

Y11 Sports Science

All work is shared through Google Classroom. Students should look to complete all outstanding assignments including all four pieces of work in the Technology in Sport unit.