Welcoming students back in September
As announced in previous bulletins we aim to have a phased return for students in September. This is so we can ensure that all students have time to settle in and adapt to new routines and this will be particularly important for our new year 7 students who have missed so much of their transition activities. We would like to remind families that the dates for return to school are as follows:
Thursday 3rd September: Y7 and Y13 students
Friday 4th September: School open to year 7,11,12 and 13 students
Monday 7th September: School open to year 10 (8:50am), 8 and 9 students (8:40am)
There will be a later start for year 7 (10:35am) and year 11 (10:15am), 12 (10:15am) and 13 (10:35am) just on this day so that we can get other year groups into school and give them time to become familiar with the new routines.
To help families work together to understand how the school day will look different we have produced a guide which can be found on the website and we hope will give you all of the information you will need. It also has important information about attendance, uniform, break times, school lunch and transport. Please can you read it carefully with your child so that students are as comfortable and confident as they can be when they return to school in September. If you need further information please contact your child’s progress leader who will be available from Tuesday 1st September and will be happy to help.