As part of our reporting system and in keeping with previous years we are repeating Target Setting Day. This will give you and your child the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress across all curriculum areas with their Form Tutors, receive a detailed Progress Report and set targets for the future. We are very confident that this will be a successful and worthwhile venture judging from feedback that we received from parents last year. School Governors and Connexions will be in attendance should you wish to speak to them or find out how they work with us to raise standards and support students.
Target Setting Day is on Thursday 26th March 2015 from 9.00am until 7.00pm and will involve students in all year groups including Sixth Form who will only come into school on the day with you at the allocated interview time and will go home afterwards. Parents who have more than one child in school should ensure that their children inform Form Tutors that their appointment times should be kept fairly close together so that you do not need to make more than one visit to school during the day. We hope that all parents will come along to the meeting which we will arrange to be mutually convenient.
Following parental feedback last year, many of you told us you would like to have time to read the written report in advance of your meeting with the Form Tutor. In response we have organised for the written report to be made available to you when you arrive in school and therefore we ask that you arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment so you have time to read the report before discussing it with the Tutor.