We would like to invite you to the Year 10 and 11 IAG evening and Sixth Form open evening on Tuesday 12th November. In addition to an appointment with your child’s form tutor (which is bookable as normal via the Parents Evening System) you will also have the opportunity to hear about our wonderful sixth form which has once again achieved the best results in North Tyneside. Throughout the evening there will be a subjects fair in the main hall, with information about all courses available, as well as regular presentations from our Head of Sixth Form. You are free to attend this presentation, and visit the subjects fair, either before or after your form tutor appointment depending on what is most convenient for you.
Bookings will open at 9.00am on Wednesday 6th November and will close at 1.30pm on Tuesday 12th November. You can book an appointment to see your child’s Tutor between 4.00pm and 7.00pm. A guide is available by clicking here and can also be found below.
If you require any assistance, please contact ict-support@burnsidecollege.org.uk. We look forward to seeing you!
Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments
Browse to https://burnsidecollege.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/