Bookings are now available for our upcoming Year 8 & 9 IAG (Information & Guidance) Evening which will take place on Tuesday 10th March 2020, from 4.00pm until 7.00pm. The booking system will close at 1.30pm on Tuesday 10th March 2020.
The Year 8 and 9 IAG Evening on 10th March will have two parts. The first will be an appointment with your child’s form tutor to discuss their attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress. These are bookable through the parents evening booking system. The second will be a presentation from senior staff about the options process. They will take place every half hour and you may attend either before or after your form tutor appointment. This presentation is an essential part of the evening but you do not need to book onto a specific presentation.
To book an appointment or to let us know if you are unable to attend, please click here.
A guide is available to help you to make bookings here or at the bottom of this page.
If you are unable to log in, please ensure that you are using the email address that we have on record for you. If you have any questions or difficulty making a booking please contact for assistance.
We look forward to seeing you.