I am delighted to share with you the news of our excellent A level results.
In what has been a year of great uncertainty, and anxiety for young people due to sit exams, our students have done themselves proud and been rightly awarded outstanding results for their efforts.
As has been well reported nationally, around 40% of teacher assessed grades have been moved down by the government this year.Ā In spite of this, students at Burnside have once again achieved our best ever A level results.
It is fantastic to once again see how successful our students have been in securing places at universities around the country. We have students studying a range of subjects including Medicine, Veterinary Science, Law, Philosophy, Psychology, Classic Literature and Italian, Nursing and Sports Science. Many of our students are staying local attending Newcastle University, Northumbria University and Durham University. Whilst others are moving to new surroundings in Manchester, York and London.Ā
Burnside continues to ensure that a higher proportion of our students secure places at the top universities than the national average.
We would like to wish all of our year 13 students leaving the school this year the very best of luck in the future.