We are delighted to share our weekly bulletin for Friday 23rd April 2021.
Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you for providing the school with an up to date email address. It’s been a key priority of the school to improve communication even further and having up to date email addresses for parents means that we are able to communicate key information more easily and frequently.
In addition to the half-termly newsletter that was introduced last year, we will also be sending out a ‘Burnside Bulletin’ 2-3 times each half term. This shorter document will communicate key events/information/news directly to parents and keep you better informed about the day to day life of the school. Please find attached the first bulletin of the year.
Yours Faithfully
Mr D Jamieson
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[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/uc?id=0B5JOiE-_Qpo4VmpiMXJHY1JOYW8&export=download” title=”NUT Strike Letter 5.7.16.pdf” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_12_pdf_list.png” style=”download”]
[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/uc?id=0B5JOiE-_Qpo4QUswMUxHYlFDVTQ&export=download” title=”KS4 Option Evening Letter to Parents.pdf” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_12_pdf_list.png” style=”download”]