We are delighted to share our Weekly Bulletin for Friday 22nd January 2021.
We are delighted to share our Weekly Bulletin for Friday 15th January 2021.
During the current period of lockdown the school’s main telephone line will be operational between 8am and 3.30pm.
If you are having internet issues or lack online access to participate in remote learning. Please complete the following form to request support:
Click Here
If you need any assistance, please give the school a call on 0191 259 8500
Times of disruption can trigger and increase anxiety. Clinicians at the Anna Freud Centre have developed seven ways that are considered best practice to respond to children and young people’s fears.
Follow the link below for more:
Seven ways to support children and young people who are worried
We will be sharing mental health and wellbeing resources and support regularly in the weekly parental bulletin and directly to students via email.
Following the government’s announcement last night the school will be closed to students until at least February half term (Monday 22nd February).
From yesterday remote learning has been available to students in all year groups. In most cases this week this has taken the form of teachers delivering their lessons live on screen and students being able to attend all of their normal lessons online.
I’m delighted to say that attendance to online lessons jumped up today with around 650 students logging in to attend their lessons. We have received fantastic feedback from parents about the high quality lessons being provided for students. Staff at Burnside are working hard to ensure that all of our pupils can still access high quality learning from home.
We know that schools will be closed for a significant period of time now and so it is essential that all students attend their remote lessons online.
It will not be possible to go over all these lessons again when schools reopen. Therefore students must attend all lessons to make sure that they don’t fall behind.
It is particularly important that all year 11 and year 13 students attend all lessons online. We already know that exams will not take place as normal this year. It is likely that teacher assessment will play a big part in the overall grades in the summer so students need to complete all work so that teachers have the evidence to award the right grade.
If you have any questions or would like further information please contact office@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Start of term arrangements – UPDATED 31.12.20
Following the government announcement yesterday please find below our updated arrangements for the start of term:
Week commencing
Monday 4th January
- School is closed to all year groups
- Remote learning will be available to all students in all year groups. All students will be expected to attend online
Monday 11th January
- School is open to year 11 and year 13
- Remote learning will be available to all other students. All students will be expected to attend online.
Monday 18th January
- School is open to all students
The information above is subject to change depending on further government announcements. We look forward to welcoming all students back into school at the earliest opportunity. In the meantime please read the important information below about remote learning.
I know that many parents will be frustrated that further school time will be missed, especially if your child has had to self isolate at points this term. However, fortunately at Burnside, remote learning means that students can access their normal timetabled lesson online with their teacher. Students will be able to follow their normal timetable online from home. Students will be sent an email directly with further information.
If your child does not have IT access at home please contact the school so that we can support.
- Further information on free school meals will follow for the parents of children not in school in the first week.
- If you require a critical worker/vulnerable child place for school in the first week please contact c.jenkins@burnsidecollege.org.uk.
The government has made a number of announcements about mass testing in schools. We are pleased that the government is putting plans in place to ensure that schools are as safe as they can be and that students and staff have access to rapid testing.
However, I do have to make clear to parents that it is highly unlikely any significant testing will take place in school in the first weeks of the term.
We currently have no equipment or tests in school, nor do we have any information when this will be delivered. We have no staff qualified or trained to administer tests and no facilities set up for testing to take place. As I’m sure you will appreciate, it will take some time to put in place safely the staff and equipment that is necessary to roll this out.
Further information will follow on this in January and when testing is available in school it will require parental consent.
Please contact the school on office@burnsidecollege.org.uk if you would like to discuss any of this information in more detail. The school will be closed from today for the Christmas break so it may be Monday 4th before you receive a response. Apologies once again for the timescale for this which is out of the school’s hands.
Start of Term Arrangements
Apologies for contacting you with a change to the start of term arrangements after the term has already ended. This is due to the last minute government announcement that has given schools and families little or no notice to make quite significant changes.
It is frustrating to receive last minute information like this at the end of what has been a very challenging term for parents, staff and students. As far as I’m aware there has been little or no consultation with schools around what is practical or even possible in the time scales that have been discussed.
Return to school
In order to ensure a staggered return to school after the Christmas holidays, we will be following the newly released government guidance. This means that:
- Years 11 & 13 will return to school as planned on Monday 4th January and follow their normal timetable (including any exams)
- All other year groups will have remote learning from Monday 4th January to Friday 8th and will return to school on Monday 11th January.
I know that many parents will be frustrated that further school time will be missed, especially if your child has had to self isolate at points this term. However, fortunately at Burnside, remote learning means that students can access their normal timetabled lesson online with their teacher. Students will be able to follow their normal timetable online from home. Students will be sent an email directly with further information.
If your child does not have IT access at home please contact the school so that we can support.
- Further information on free school meals will follow for the parents of children not in school in the first week.
- If you require a critical worker/vulnerable child place for school in the first week please contact c.jenkins@burnsidecollege.org.uk.
The government has made a number of announcements about mass testing in schools. We are pleased that the government is putting plans in place to ensure that schools are as safe as they can be and that students and staff have access to rapid testing.
However, I do have to make clear to parents that it is highly unlikely any significant testing will take place in school in the first weeks of the term.
We currently have no equipment or tests in school, nor do we have any information when this will be delivered. We have no staff qualified or trained to administer tests and no facilities set up for testing to take place. As I’m sure you will appreciate, it will take some time to put in place safely the staff and equipment that is necessary to roll this out.
Further information will follow on this in January and when testing is available in school it will require parental consent.
Please contact the school on office@burnsidecollege.org.uk if you would like to discuss any of this information in more detail. The school will be closed from today for the Christmas break so it may be Monday 4th before you receive a response. Apologies once again for the timescale for this which is out of the school’s hands.