We are hugely proud to announce that we can confirm our A level results from 2017 as being some of the best in England!
The government released the finalised validated results in February 2018 and it shows how well Burnside performed compared to schools across the north east, as well as across the country.
Our A level and Vocational Progress AND Average Grade are both the best in North Tyneside. This puts us in the Top 10% of schools nationally for Progress for all types of qualifications. Our Vocational average grade puts us in the Top 25 of all schools in England!
In addition, at A level our STEM subjects performed particularly well, seeing Biology sitting in 18th place out of over 3,500 schools in England, including state and private sector. Other subjects to achieve particularly well compared to all schools nationally were Applied Science (3rd), Psychology (45th), Chemistry (75th), Maths (145th), History (147th). Very few schools in the whole of the North East come close to competing with this level of progress – a fantastic achievement for a superb group of students and staff!
All school results can be seen at: