3 of our year 9 students recently attended 6 engineering sessions (on Saturday mornings!) – great to see motivated pupils wanting to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
This week our Year 11 Performing Arts students took their Christmas Play out to two local primary schools; Richardson Dees and Wallsend St Peter’s. Their next performances will be as part of the Whole School Christmas Assemblies. Well done Year 11!
This week our Year 13 Performing Arts students took their Christmas Play out to perform to students at Beacon Hill School. The play was produced by Year 13 especially for students at Beacon Hill who thoroughly enjoyed the performance!
Today, our fantastic music students visited Hadrian’s House and St Peter’s Court care homes to carol sing. Once again, they were a credit to the school and sang to a very receptive audience! Well done kids!
Once again the music students have proved themselves to be amazing students! Getting a personal invite to perform today at the Mayors Christmas Dinner! Well done kids!
Y7 students enjoying the continental Christmas market in Newcastle, visiting Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Greece and Russia. Students had the opportunity to speak with the vendors and to sample some of their produce.
Our DofE unit have been hard at work all year growing fruit, vegetables and flowers. The fruit and vegetables we grew have now been turned into jams and preserves and these will be sold in the weeks leading up to Christmas in aid of MacMillan cancer care, a charity which was chosen by the students themselves. We will also be selling hyacinths, which were planted and grown by the group and are due to flower over the next few weeks. All these goodies would make excellent Christmas presents so please see Miss Wallis if you would like any!
We hope that you find the updates in our latest parent bulletin useful. Please remember to look out for the full digital newsletter that will be shared via email and social media by the end of the month. As always if you have any questions or concerns please get in touch.
Daniel Jamieson Headteacher
[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/presentation/d/17qRK-fdPBDZ5RdI62L93nHdttYJetDL9BFByhECorCc/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”Burnside Bulletin 1.12.17″ icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/vnd.google-apps.presentation” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]
Piers Torday spent the day at Burnside giving a presentation to all of Y7 students and working with our Creative Writing group as well as being interview by Burnside TV. A brilliant day all round!
Yet again, Burnside comes up trumps – From the sale of cakes today we have raised a fantastic £251.00 – This will be paid into Barclays, who will match it – so our total will be £502.00 – WELL DONE EVERYONE.