On Tuesday 19th of September, 10 of our year 13 scientists visited Newcastle University to take part in some Biomedical Workshops. It was a really successful trip.
All Year 5 & 6 students and parents are kindly invited to our Annual Open Evening on Thursday 21st September from 5:45pm til 7:30pm.
Introductory talk in Main Hall from the Headteacher,followed by a guided tour of the school to see what is on offer in all Curriculum Areas.
We look forward to meeting you on the evening.
Well done to our fantastic team of Great North Run runners who all successfully completed the 13.1 mile route (21km) from Newcastle to South Shields on Sunday. As well as earning finisher’s medals, they have raised a lot of money for a variety of local and national charities, and inspired others to get their trainers out!
Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you for providing the school with an up to date email address. It’s been a key priority of the school to improve communication even further and having up to date email addresses for parents means that we are able to communicate key information more easily and frequently.
In addition to the half-termly newsletter that was introduced last year, we will also be sending out a ‘Burnside Bulletin’ 2-3 times each half term. This shorter document will communicate key events/information/news directly to parents and keep you better informed about the day to day life of the school. Please find attached the first bulletin of the year.
Yours Faithfully
Mr D Jamieson
[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/uc?id=0B5JOiE-_Qpo4bHZTVGtUaHJQTWNUNnNpZU96bHMzdEYyNUJJ&export=download” title=”Burnside Bulletin – 8.9.17.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” style=”download”]
Year 13 students this summer celebrated receiving the best A Level results the school has ever recorded. Early indications suggest that academic results will be the best in North Tyneside, with over 80% of entries A*- C grade. This will put us top 10% nationally for progress. Vocational results could put Burnside in the top 20 schools in the country with 99% Distinction* grades.
Students have moved on to a range of world leading universities including Cambridge, Durham, Manchester and Newcastle. We are very proud to continue our 100% success rate for applications to courses including Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery and Primary Education, among others.
Students should be extremely proud of their achievements and we wish them the best of luck for the future.
Burnside will be open to Year Groups 7 to 11 on Tuesday 5th September 2017. Â Sixth Form students return to school on Wednesday 6th September 2017. Â Please see attached the timings of the new school day.
[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/file/d/0B5JOiE-_Qpo4OXM4VkVOVE5iRGFSRzBzTHVfNXZZZlh3bWhR/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”New Times.pdf” icon=”https://drive-thirdparty.googleusercontent.com/16/type/application/pdf” width=”100%” height=”800″ style=”embed”]
Students and staff involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Burnside spent the first few days of the holidays in the Yorkshire Dales taking part in Silver and Gold expeditions. Silvers had to walk for 3 days and Golds for 4 – each carrying all that they would need; camping overnight on different campsites each night and doing a project along the way. Miss Wallis had a ‘bit of a moment’ on the way home when she realised that this was her last adventure with the Golds; many of whom have been doing activities with DofE & Mayor’s Award since they were in Year 7. We are pleased to say that everyone passed with flying colours and were a credit to the school in the way they looked after each other and worked as a team. Many thanks go to all the staff that supported the award and the assessors who also volunteered their time.
Our Summer  digital newsletter is now available to read.  The newsletter contains news and information from the Summer  Term as well as guidance for the coming academic year; 2017-2018.  Please follow the link below to read more:
On Tuesday 18th July a group of Year 7 Burnside students participated in a preseason rugby training session ran by RFU Community Rugby Coach Scott Powell.
The effort and and standard of play from the boys remained high throughout the afternoon, despite the extreme summer heat. The level of skill, determination and teamwork demonstrated bodes well for next year. Both Scott and Mr Metcalfe are busy arranging fixtures for September. Well done to all those students involved.
If any other Year 7 boys are keen to join the Burnside U13 rugby squad then please speak to Mr Metcalfe for more information.