Sixth Form gardeners have been picking apples from our orchard this week – and this year we have a fantastic crop. We will be using them to make sauces, jams and preserves for Christmas so look out for further updates on this.
Miss Wallis
Sixth Form gardeners have been picking apples from our orchard this week – and this year we have a fantastic crop. We will be using them to make sauces, jams and preserves for Christmas so look out for further updates on this.
Miss Wallis
The PE department are offering additional coursework support sessions every Thursday in 4F28 from 3.20-4.30pm. These sessions are open to all Year 11 Sport students who wish to access additional support and time.
Please see Miss Peel or Miss Johnson should you require further information.
The Technology department will be offering additional Controlled Assessment support sessions every Monday evening from 3.20- 4.20pm. The sessions are open to all Year 11 technology students who wish to make supervised progress, catch up on absent work or may require additional support. The sessions will be held in individual subject teachers normal teaching rooms. Students are to contact their subject teachers for more information.
We will be offering support sessions for Year 11 GCSE Computer Science on Wednesday afternoons from 3:20-4:20 starting from Wednesday 21st September in 3F13/14. This is to support students with ensuring their first controlled assessment (programmed in JavaScript) is completed by the deadline on Friday 7th October. Sessions will continue after this deadline to work on CA2 (programmed in Python). Students are also welcome to work on their programming skills in 3F14 any lunchtime.
This academic year (2016-2017), all students in years 7-10 have been provided with a homework booklet which contains every piece of homework for the duration of the school year. They will be asked to complete a task from the booklet once per fortnight as directed by their class teacher.
At Burnside, we encourage our students to take pride in their work so it is expected that students will take care of their booklets throughout the year and ensure that all work is completed to the best of their ability. The links to each booklet can be found be found on the Maths Curriculum Page. This will enable students to print off additional copies of worksheets should they require to do so.
Thank you to those of you who have brought in your evidence for the ’20 things to do in the summer holidays’ challenge. If any other Year 8s have also had a go – please bring your scrap books/files/evidence to Miss Wallis any dinner time this week. Don’t worry if you didn’t get everything done – I would still like to see what you got up to. I usually sit in 1F09 for dinner. I’m looking forward to seeing them all!
Miss Wallis would like to let all the bees project participants know that the wild flower gardens they planted are now in bloom … if you have time have a walk down St Peter’s Road to have a look!
Miss Wallis is setting a challenge for all Year 7 students this summer called ’20 Things To Do In The Summer Holidays’.
Year 7s have been challenged with trying out 20 things before they come back in September; such as baking a cake, climbing a hill or skimming stones. A full list of the 20 challenges has been given out to students by their form tutors but can also be downloaded below.
Students should keep a record of their activities; either in a scrapbook or on their phone/laptop and Miss Wallis will look at all the evidence in the new school year; with prizes and certificates for those who do well.
Good luck everyone…the challenge is on!
[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”poster.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]
Well done to students in Years 7 & 8 who completed their Mayor’s Award Hikes yesterday around Dunstanburgh castle.
Year 8s had to navigate their own way to the Castle using map skills and did very well. Year 7s went rock pooling and walked right along the coastal path; with its beautiful views. Everyone took part in the ‘rock heap challenge’ and exploring the castle and a few ‘hide and seek’ games were played.
A great day was had by all and the weather was glorious!