Burnside Year 12 and 13 BTEC Performing Arts Students presented two performances of ‘A Fish Out Of Water’ by Derek Benfield this week to an invited audience of friends and family. The play is a delightful light comedy about a group of holidaymakers in Italy. Both performances will count towards their BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Performing Arts (Acting).
Apprenticeship opportunities are available in Sales, Customer Service, Business Administration, I.T and H.R at Sage.
There is an Open Day on Friday 3rd June 2-5pm at Sage North Park.
If you are interested, please contact NECC Training at….. apprenticeships@necc.co.uk or on the twitter account @NECC Training
Carillion have a number of legal apprenticeship vacancies which are suitable for year 13 leavers wishing to pursue a professional apprenticeship rather than attending university. Our entry requirement for apprentices is a minimum of three A levels at grade C in respect of a Level 3 apprenticeship.
They are holding a drop in session during half term on 1 June from 10.30 am until 12 noon, for prospective candidates to discuss these posts on an informal basis:
The Skills Hub
Newcastle City Library (ground floor)
Charles Avison Building
33 New Bridge Street West
Newcastle upon Tyne
Some Year 7 students have been working hard on a project to help bees. They have planted a wildflower garden in school; posted a packet of seeds to a relative or primary school and taken seeds home to plant in their own garden. They are also taking part in the ‘Great British Bee Count’…and would like to encourage everyone else to join in by downloading the app!
Well done Year 7…..Miss Wallis thinks you are a fantastic group of students to work with!
Burnside Dance Students performed yesterday at Rugby leagues Magic Weekend at St James Park. They took part in a large group dance with schools across the North East and Yorkshire that took place before the final game of the weekend. Students have spent six weeks preparing for the final performance, including an all day rehearsal in Pontefract.
Students did a fantastic job at representing Burnside Business & Enterprise College and are proud to have taken part in such a large dance event. They are already looking forward to their next Magic Weekend Performance and would like to thank Rugby League Cares and Dance City for providing them with the opportunity to perform.
Please see the video attached of the performance, which also appeared in part on Sky Sports as part of the Magic Weekend coverage.
On Friday 200 Key Stage 1 primary students visited Burnside to take part in a Multi Skills Athletics Event. The running of the afternoon was lead by our Year 10 Sports Leaders who did an excellent job in motivating, organising and scoring individual events.
They did themselves proud and a number of staff and parents from visiting school commented on their exemplary leadership skills. Well done and a BIG thank you to all involved. Miss Peel.
Accenture are holding an Open Evening at their Newcastle Delivery Centre at Cobalt Business park on Thursday 19th May 2016, between 6pm and 7:30pm.
For more information, pleasen see the attached flyer.
[google-drive-embed url=”https://drive.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/file/d/0B5JOiE-_Qpo4U29HS1FMamtVRGtpc1NJZThwUUZ1akRyblNv/preview?usp=drivesdk” title=”Your invitation for Accenture Newcastle Open Evening.pdf” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_12_pdf_list.png” width=”100%” height=”800″ style=”embed”]
We have developed a new Web App listing all 2016 Exam dates and times. You can access the web app from https://vle.burnsidecollege.org.uk/exams
Burnside Dance students traveled to Pontefract yesterday for their final rehearsal for their performance at Rugby Leagues’ Magic Weekend at St James Park on Sunday 22nd May. Students got to work with other schools from across the country to perfect their part in a huge dance ‘that will be performed before the matches on Sunday in front of a huge 30,000 people! Students had a great day rehearsing and now can’t wait for the big performance on Sunday!
This week the Leading Edge Year 9 students had the opportunity to work in the labs at Newcastle University. The aim of this time was to collect data on the rejection rates of transplanted organs ahead of their presentation at the end of the term. Throughout the day the students were focused and the university staff were particularly impressed with how quickly they adopted the new vocabulary and techniques.