We’d like to thank everyone for bringing in their Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers last year. We collected enough vouchers to allow us to get a 3 man tent, which will come in very handy for the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. We are collecting again this year so please bring in your Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers to Student Reception.
There are currently three new Staff Vacancies at Burnside.
- Deputy Head Teacher L21 – L25
- Curriculum Leader for Science MPS + TLR 1C
- Assistant Curriculum Leader for English MPS/UPS + TLR 2C
For more information on these Posts, please visit the Vacancies section of the school website.
We are running revision lessons in 1G10 for GCSE Business Communication Systems. Please find attached the Revision Timetable for the coming months.
[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/spreadsheets/d/1gg3a_-zy-accSfswhJM1oEXLxiNwwP6mg5hdtUpB6Cc/htmlembed” title=”A265 written Revision” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_spreadsheet_list.png” width=”100%” height=”600″ style=”embed”]
The Business and Enterprise Department will be running additional revision for the GCSE Business Studies A292 exam on a Monday and Friday lunchtime in 1G09, as well as after school on a Wednesday in 1G08.
Each week will focus on a particular topic of A292, which matches the questions on the homework task of that week. Please see the attached schedule which leads up until the exam in May.
[google-drive-embed url=”https://docs.google.com/a/burnsidecollege.org.uk/spreadsheets/d/1qP98QvVdciY3PHhDagPuTuMes-fa6I27izXOlj4sPq0/htmlembed” title=”A292 Revision” icon=”https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/doclist/images/icon_11_spreadsheet_list.png” width=”100%” height=”600″ style=”embed”]
All revision homework sheets will be shared on Google Classroom.
Newly published author of ‘Secret Society’ Hannah Jennings came into school last week to work with a group of Y9 students in a creative writing workshop.
Secret Society is her first book and we were her first school workshop! Our students made Hannah feel welcome and any trace of nerves on her part disappeared very quickly as they enthusiastically threw ideas out as they discussed how to create a setting and develop a character within that setting. Off the wall and funny suggestions were welcomed by Hannah as she told how an author will never know where or when a nugget from one of these ideas could spark a part of their book.
They then sat and actually wrote a piece where they created their own setting and characters. Hannah was so impressed as students read a couple out aloud to the group she asked to keep a few as great examples for future workshops. Well done Year 9 !!!
A really productive session was had by all made all the more enjoyable by Hannah’s young and fresh approach.
Hannah is busy editing the second installment of this trilogy so we wish her well with that one.
What can you say about this trilogy of books except that although the films were great this is definitely a case where the books are better!
The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay deserve all the praise they have been given – an much much more!
‘In a future where every year twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a TV show where they fight to the death and where there can only be one winner – there is only one rule: kill or be killed!
Taking her sister’s place Katniss Everdeen battles in the Hunger Games, watched by the entire country. A tale of survival, rebellion, revenge, triumph – this trilogy has it all’
The really good thing with The Hunger Games is that the series appeals equally to boys and girls. The three books deliver suspense from start to finish and are definitely not just your average teen novel.
If you haven’t read them yet come along to the LRC and borrow them – before you watch the films!
For September 2016, we are seeking to appoint a forward-looking individual with drive, character and excellent subject knowledge to join our experienced and successful Maths Department. In this role you will support the department in developing teaching and learning across all key stages. You will have a particular focus upon further incorporating problem solving into the curriculum.
For more information on the post, please visit the listing in the Vacancies section of the website:
On Tuesday, 12th January, we had a special guest lecture from Geoffrey Bosson, giving his much loved talk on the biomedical origins of zombies, werewolves and vampires. This talk was for all 6th form students that are taking a science course. As well as year 12 and 13 students we had 14 year 11 students that have shown a keen interest in Science.
The talk went extremely well and the audience were captivated by Dr. Bosson’s brilliant way of explaining difficult concepts in a simple manner. Dr. Bosson was available to answer questions at the end and some students took the opportunity to ask some careers based questions and were surprised to find that Dr. Bosson took a very roundabout route to being in the position he is in.
Our thanks go to Dr. Bosson and the Biomedical Science department at Newcastle University.