0191 259 8500
Burnside College, St Peters Road, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear, NE28 7LQ

Progress Leaders

Year 7 Miss C Wilkinson c.wilkinson@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Year 8 Mr M Charlton m.charlton@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Year 9 Mr D Brown d.brown@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Year 10 Mrs K Alderson k.alderson@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Year 11 Miss H Gray h.gray@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Head of Sixth Form Ms L Rodgers l.rodgers@burnsidecollege.org.uk

Curriculum Leaders

English Mrs L Wright l.wright@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Maths Ms M King m.king@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Science Miss N McCoy n.mccoy@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Art Miss N Blain n.blain@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Business & Computing Mr M Phillips m.phillips@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Humanities Mr N Heron n.heron@burnsidecollege.org.uk
MFL Miss C Smith cl.smith@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Music Mrs J Liu j.liu@burnsidecollege.org.uk
PE Miss A Peel a.peel@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Technology Mrs T Goodwin t.goodwin@burnsidecollege.org.uk
Vocational Studies Mrs A Thomson a.thomson@burnsidecollege.org.uk


SENCO Mrs E Galbraith e.galbraith@burnsidecollege.org.uk

Complaints Procedure
At Burnside, we take complaints seriously and will strive to resolve your concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, if you feel like your concerns have not been addressed and you would like to escalate the matter to a formal complaint, please consult our Complaints Policy on how to proceed.

Paper Copies
If you require paper copies of any of our school information, please get in touch and we will be happy to provide them free of charge.