Thoughts for the day:
The ‘Thoughts for the Day’ are delivered by a tutor, based around themes which reflect the school’s commitment to promoting SMSC, British Values and our values of PRIDE and RESPECT. They offer students a time for reflection and discussion about a particular issue, quote theme, question or image. They are based on the assembly theme for the week to promote SMSC, the school ethos and British Values. The focus of Collective Worship is reflection, learning and developing tolerance and understanding.
Intent: The Guidance curriculum
All maintained secondary schools in England have a statutory requirement to teach a programme of relationships, sex and health education. At Burnside College, we do this through our Guidance Curriculum. We ensure that the compulsory subject content is age appropriate and developmentally appropriate which is set by the RSE statutory guidelines of 2020.
It is taught in a sensitive and inclusive way with respect to backgrounds and beliefs of all students and parents. Also, we provide students with the knowledge they need of the law and the ability to support their own and others’ wellbeing whilst becoming successful adults who make a meaningful contribution to society.
Our Guidance Curriculum is also the time we use to discuss careers and other PSHE topics such as finance and personal safety.
Through the RSE Curriculum, we aim to:
- Build upon the knowledge acquired at primary school
- Develop pupils’ understanding of health with an increased focus on risk areas such as drugs and alcohol
- Introduce knowledge about intimate relationships and sex
- Meet the needs of all students including SEND students (as set out in the SEND Code of Practice) and the needs of the community
- Develop the Burnside Character skills in all students
- Develop students personal attributes such as kindness, integrity, generosity and honesty in line with the school ethos
- To promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of students and school and in society
- Develop student’s ability to form healthy relationships
- Comply with the Equality Act 2010 and not unlawfully discriminate against students because of their age, sex, race, disability, religion or belief, gender reassignment or sexual orientation when planning and teaching the RSE curriculum
The RSE curriculum is available for all stakeholders to view on the school website and is broken down into topics so all stakeholders are aware of what is being covered and when. Variations to timings may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.
Termly Guidance Overview 2024 – 2025
DFE Statutory RSE Objectives and Coverage
Throughout the Guidance Curriculum we also signpost our young people to support services available to them both in and outside of school. These could include external support websites such as Kooth, Childline or the NSPCC. Links to these are also available through our support and wellbeing section of the school website.
PSHE- Personal, Social, Health and Economic education.
SMSC- Spiritual, Moral, Social and Moral development.
British Values- British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
RE Curriculum: This is from the North Tyneside Agreed Syllabus in Yr 7-9 and AQA GCSE content in KS4.
Co-ordinators: KS3/4/5: Miss A Hunter Hunter and KS5: Ms L Rodgers
SLT leader: Mrs A Welch