The students have been awake from 6:30 am attending assemblies at 7:30 and working throughout the day. They visited the primary school taking time to teach students how to dance the Macarana!
A visit was made to the Small Home in Ndanai. Our students were given a tour around the home and played floor volleyball with the students from the home.
Tomorrow (Saturday 2nd July) the group are up at 4:30 am going to the Masia Mara….. All are very excited.
- Andrew – In the physio room at Ndanai
- Mathew – enjoying a game of football
- Jake and Hannah teaching the primary school children the Macarana
- Megan and Taylor – Teaching incy whincy spider to the reception class
- Cherise and Mr Hedley playing floor volley ball with the students from the special home.