Student Voice: We said…You did…
Students have a voice at Burnside College. Their voice is used to make a difference to the school environment.
Students have used their voice to:
- Make the Rewards fairer for all students
- Improve the school environment and places to recycle
- Improve the Student Planner
- Decisions about uniform changes
- Improve Extra-curricular provision
- Ask questions and give feedback during the interview process of new staff
- Improve student well-being
Student Council
Students have the opportunity to be part of the Student Council and are voted for by the year group. The meeting is every half term. The School Council consists of members from across all year groups. Sixth Form Ambassadors help to lead the Student Council Meetings.
Form Representatives
Each form class will choose two Form Representatives at the beginning of each academic year. These will then meet their Progress Leaders throughout the year. Feedback from these meetings often leads to further discussions through the Student Council.