Y7 students get a glimpse at what the future could hold for them.

Our students spent a day in Newcastle University working with current students gaining an insight into what University life could mean to them. Raising aspirations in our younger students ensures they appareciate the opportunity to access Higher Education no matter what their circumstances, and aim for that goal from Y7 onwards.

The University delivered a program of activities of a ‘Tropical’ nature that kept Y7s engaged the entire day.

They had to design a bridge to cross a river in the Jungle; they had to design a Tropical Disease and also a cereal bar that could be taken as rations into the Jungle. Their imaginations ran wild – no pun intended!

One group of our students won the award for the best Cereal Bar – well done to them.

Student Ambassadors lead the tables of students throughout the day and an ex Burnside student Any Cresswell (currently studying Medicine at Newcastle) coincidently headed a table of current Burnside students, so they really did get a chance to see what there is for them after their time at Burnside!