Our most recent Ofsted inspection has now been published. I’m delighted to inform you that Burnside College is a good school with outstanding sixth form provision.
Overall effectiveness
The quality of education | Good |
Behaviour and attitudes | Good |
Personal development | Good |
Leadership and management | Good |
Sixth-form provision | Outstanding |
During the visit inspectors recognised the strong improvements that have been made across all areas of the school since the last inspection. The Ofsted report highlights that:
- Senior leaders have maintained a relentless drive to improve the quality of education
- Leaders are committed to providing an ambitious curriculum
- Standards have risen year on year
- Class tutors and the pastoral team do not tolerate bullying. They deal with it quickly
- Students conduct themselves well, most are polite and friendly
- Pupils trust the staff and have good relationships with them
- The school recognises pupils need lots of information if they are to stay safe and develop as responsible citizens
- Sixth form students get very tailored teaching. The sixth form is now outstanding
The full report can now be found here. It will be published on the Ofsted website within 5 days. I would like to thank parents for your support with the improvements that have taken place over recent years. I look forward to continuing to work together to improve the school further in the coming years and ensure that the young people in our community have the best possible quality of education.
Mr D Jamieson