To celebrate World Book Day 2015 Burnside staff hid 100 GOLDEN TICKETS around school for students to find. Each ticket had a question on it and if this was answered correctly students received a reward. This caught their imagination as students spent lunchtimes and break times hunting around school for the GOLDEN TICKETS!

Some of the winners of the Golden Ticket.
Staff from the English Department dressed up as characters from Literature and spent the day teaching in costume…. promoting literature and the importance of reading.

The Learning Resource Centre held a £1 Book Token swap – students who had a £1 World Book Day token could exchange this for one of the specifically printed World Book Day books. Alternatively they could take this £1 token to any bookshop and use it against a full priced book of their choice.
Staff forwarded their all time favourite book and told us why they liked this or why it meant so much to them. These choices were shown around school on our PLASMA SCREENS for the entire day for students to view.